「英语共读」Totoro-themed restaurant_kk体育app官网入口

日期:2023-10-27 12:18 | 人气:


请点击右上角蓝色“+关注”,关注英语周报头条号,实时吸收精彩内容。接待大家来到“英语共读”,本栏目旨在提升列位同学的阅读能力及朗读、听力水平,内容精选自《英语周报》头版阅读文章,由《英语周报》口语老师倾情朗读!今日朗读:1小时突破音标重难点Totoro-themed restaurant lets you dine with a 9-foot cat阅读难度:★★★☆☆ 主题语境:人与社会——文化Words: about 310; Time: 5 minutes语篇导读:可能许多同学都看过动画片《龙猫》,该片优美的画面充满了农村田园的清新气息。大家想不想亲身体验一番这部动画片所营造的气氛呢?Have you ever wanted to step into a Studio Ghibli movie? A restaurant in Thailand gives anyone who walks in the same warm feeling of a popular Ghibli movie, My Neighbor Totoro.May's Garden House Restaurant in Bangkok is the first themed (主题) restaurant licensed (获得许可的) by Studio Ghibli. The idea was put forward by Studio Ghibli producer Toshio Suzuki. During visits to Thailand he fell in love with the chicken wings at a restaurant in a village. He loved the wings, and the village made him think of growing up in Japan.The restaurant's owner was named May and she was a single mother running the restaurant to support her children. One day when Suzuki came back for another round of her delicious chicken wings, May told him she was closing the restaurant because there weren't enough customers. Since the owner's name is similar to the main character (角色) Mei in My Neighbor Totoro, Toshio Suzuki thought it'd be fitting to open a Totoro-themed restaurant in Bangkok where the food and feeling of May's village could be brought to more people. Thus, May's Garden House Restaurant was born.The restaurant's decoration (装饰) really gives customers the feeling of the 1988 movie, like a 9-foot Totoro figure (像) that sits in the dining room, as well as dishes shaped like the characters. The tables are decorated with lovely figures of Totoro, Mei, Sootballs, the Catbus, and other characters from the movie. The decorations in the restaurant create the same sense that the two young girls in My Neighbor Totoro experience when they move into a small, countryside home with their father.As beautiful as the decoration is, a restaurant is all about its food, and the food at May's Garden House Restaurant looks truly wonderful and completely lovely. The restaurant describes its food as Asian mixture, Japanese and Thai, so there's something for everyone.From: nerdist.com---选自《英语周报》2018-2019学年上《高一人教课标综合》第06期【思考】你认为文中先容的主题餐厅会受公共接待吗? 语音技巧:相关阅读:口语发音课-看美剧 学发音1小时突破音标重难点说美国俚语 学隧道发音国际音标系列课之百词正音本文版权属于英语周报,未经许可转载,将追究执法责任!本平台投稿及互助邮箱:yangning_123@126.com后语:坚持是一种信仰,专注是一种态度!每一次您的转发,就是对我们的认同和勉励!亲们,喜欢就努力转发吧,您的每一次转发,都是我们连续的原创动力。原创的路上感恩有您一路同行!!!关注“英语周报”头条号,最原创、最海量、最有价值、最有内容、最有情怀的深度阅读平台。









